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Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Do you think you can achieve Dean's List for this semester? (part 1)

Hi guys..

Based on my result this semester there is still a chance for me to get a dean list, im quite adapt to the surrounding of studying but got some problem with memorizing. Some of the people prefer memorizing instead of calculation like me but its their studying style and cant do much about it actually. By the way, subject for my first semester its kind of tough because i hard transfer all the easy stuff early when im in diploma, but i guess its pretty neat when come to year of studying. Instead of 4 years i can "cut" myself into 3 years of studying instead. Back to the main topic, as a degree student i have dedicated myself to be more responsible and determinant so that no more "lolly-gagging" and day-dreaming. So as a conclusion, less time to play and focus more on the studying. I heard people often said that "if you put yourself to the limit,sure you got yourself a medal" and for simple "determine + hardworking attitude = success in life". So there as pretty good chance to get dean list for this semester....(I hope ^^)


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